Youth Ministry
Flourishing in Community
A place to belong, have fun, be challenged, and figure out who Jesus is and what He has in store for your life!
“I like the NYM…because it’s a community where teenagers from around the world can come and worship God.”

“I love NYM because they are like family to me, and I feel safe being around them.”

Moe Eh
The Northlake Youth Ministry is devoted to the spiritual growth of teenagers through worship, Bible study, encouraging relationships, spiritual retreats, and ever deepening life of discipleship.
Service has become a natural expression of love for our youth group. As a group and individually, our teens have found opportunities to serve locally in their neighborhoods and schools, as well as service trips to communities in other states.
The NYM is at its heart a community of Christian friends. We experience the gift of community through building meaningful friendships, gathering for worship, and crazy-fun events. We hope you’ll join us on our spiritual journey. We promise you’ll never be walking alone!
Sunday Morning
7th – 12th Grade
Bible class (9:15-10:15am)
Wednesday Evenings
7th – 12th Grade
Dinner & Devotional (6:00-7:30pm)
We are committed to caring for each young person through mentoring, spiritual formation, and pastoral care. We believe it is important to care for the whole person: their academic, social, and family life, as well as their physical, mental, and spiritual health.
We are here for you!

Paul Mvukiye-Reeser
Youth Minister

Brian & Page Ikeda